The regional report for the Americas summarizes the results of the national reports completed in the region in the framework of the ICA-EU Partnership research that analyzes legal frameworks. Written by the regional expert for the study, Dr. Dante Cracogna, the report provides an overview of regional trends and common features in the region and highlights a number of recommendations to promote a more enabling environment for cooperatives. Cooperative Law Awareness and Assessment is a tool for members to support advocacy and recommendations on the creation or improvement of legal frameworks, to document the application of cooperative legislation and policies, and to monitor their evolution .
Analysis of legal frameworks of the ICA-EU Partnership. Regional Report: Americas
Publications of Cooperatives of the Americas

Aging in housing cooperatives.
The presentation of the Uruguayan Cooperative Center (CCU) to this call responded to the interest in analyzing the situation and the responses that housing cooperatives

Cooperatives of the Americas
Views, reflections, actions and proposals from the Housing Network of Cooperatives of the Americas
Views, reflections, actions and proposals from the Housing Network of Cooperatives of the Americas is a publication that in its different chapters addresses from