Network of Organizations for the Promotion, Promotion, Regulation, Supervision and/or Cooperative Credit

What is the Network of Organizations for the Promotion, Development, Regulation, Supervision and/or Cooperative Credit?

The concept of the Network corresponds to a form of meeting, virtual and face-to-face, of the Organizations of Promotion, Development, Regulation, Supervision and/or Cooperative Credit for the strengthening of the relations between these and the cooperative movement.

The Promotion Organizations, in charge of supervising the legal nature and activity of social economy companies, work with quality standards that seek to protect the interests of members and the community, generating trust and ratifying the strengthening of the cooperative model as an instrument. valid and alternative for the economic and social development of the peoples.

The Network of Promotion Organizations is intended to be established as a mechanism for the permanent exchange of experiences, information and communication between existing Organizations in the region.

General Objective:

Systematize the process of regional exchange between the Organizations of Promotion, Promotion, Supervision, Regulation and/or Cooperative Credit of Latin America, in the points that by common agreement were subscribed in the Declarations of the Meetings carried out within the framework of the Regional Conferences and /o Summits convened by the ICA-Americas between 2007 – 2012, in order to facilitate their follow-up and measure the result of the advocacy role played by the Organizations.

Specific objectives:

  • Identify the points of agreement signed in the declarations of the Meetings.
  • Help in the definition of points of interest to establish the structure and operation of the Network as well as the relationship with Cooperatives of the Americas.
  • Recommend the mechanisms for the permanent exchange of experiences, information, and communication among existing Organizations in the region.
  • Promote the importance of Organizations for the promotion, development and supervision of cooperatives in the countries of the region in accordance with ILO Rec. 193.

The goals of the Network include, but are not limited to:

  1. Emphasize that the healthy and proper development of cooperatives cannot be achieved without adequate specialized regulation and supervision, taking into account their special legal nature.
  2. Continue with the purification process of cooperatives, that is, encourage cooperatives that are inspired and practice cooperative values ​​and principles and fully comply with the law. Consequently, the existence of organizations that use the cooperative name to develop activities far from the cooperative essence is not shared.
  3. Reject the use of the cooperative model to evade compliance with labor legislation and/or tax liability or any other purpose contrary to cooperative principles and values.
  4. Promote, within the respective governments, compliance with international regulations in favor of cooperatives, including ILO Recommendation 193
  5. Develop information systems for cooperatives, which facilitate the supervision and development of promotion, development and cooperative credit programs.
  6. Collaborate in the development of methods and procedures on the part of the organizations to ensure the optimal functioning of the cooperative values, governance and social control of the cooperatives.
  7. Invite all Organizations for the Promotion, Development, Supervision, Regulation and/or Cooperative Credit of the American continent to formalize their connection to this Network through official communications of the resolutions of their competent bodies.

Coordinating Committee

The Coordinating Committee of the Network serves as a link for the follow-up of each one of the activities of the Network with the different present and potential members. In addition, its main function is to prepare the proposal of the necessary documents to formalize the Network.

The Committee was formed by representatives of Solidarity Organizations of Colombia, the Protection Fund of Mexico, IPACOOP of Panama, CDCOOP of Puerto Rico and IDECOOP of the Dominican Republic.