VI Cooperative Summit of the Americas.

Asunción, Paraguay, October 24 to 27, 2.022

“The cooperative commitment for the reconstruction and care of
our local and global community.”

The VI Cooperative Summit of the Americas with the motto "The cooperative commitment for the reconstruction and care of our local and global community" was held at the Conmebol Convention Center in Luque, Paraguay from October 24 to 27. This began the Cooperative Law Congress that ended on October 29. 

The international event was organized by Cooperatives of the Americas, regional representation of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) for the American continent, together with the seven affiliated organizations of Paraguay, the Paraguayan Confederation of Limited Cooperatives (CONPACOOP), the Confederation of Cooperatives Cooperatives of Paraguay (CONCOPAR), the Federation of Cooperatives of Paraguay (FECOPAR), the Federation of Multiactive Cooperatives of Paraguay (FECOMULP), the Federation of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (FECOAC), the University Cooperative and Panal Compañía de Seguros Generales SA 

Access materials from the VI Cooperative Summit of the Americas