Generating decent work, one of the main tasks of cooperatives

The fourth panel of the first day was convened under the slogan Generation of Decent Work, Contributions from the Territories to Social Development and Sustainability and featured a presentation by the president of Cicopa Américas, Cristian Horton.

The president of the Spanish Confederation of Associated Work Cooperatives (Coceta), Luis Miguel Jurado, was present at the Cedefoes Education Center in Comayagua, who explained the power of the more than 40 thousand social economy companies that provide 2,2, XNUMX million jobs in the Iberian nation.

The president of Cicopa North America, Daniella Preisler, explained the advantages of converting companies into worker cooperatives as well as the growth of emerging self-managed companies in the United States.

Heriberto Martínez Otero, executive director of the Puerto Rico Cooperative League, gave a historical overview and specifically referred to the relationship between employment and cooperativism in his country.

Felipe Armijo, from the EU delegation in Costa Rica, praised cooperatives as vehicles for socio-labor insertion, especially in segments of the population in situations of social vulnerability, made references to the EU's multi-annual programming tools and showed the positive results of the “Houses of Joy” project that Cooperativas de las Américas is executing in Costa Rica in alliance with the CoopeTarrazú Cooperative and the support of INFOCOOP on the creation of decent work for seasonal migrants.

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