With the aim of strengthening internal management processes and promoting the visibility of cooperative actions based on the Cooperative Principles, especially during this 2025 AIC and responding to a request expressed in the process of building the new Strategic Plan 2024-2028, Cooperatives of the Americas is launching a special service aimed at its member organizations.
This program seeks to train, accompany and provide a certificate of validation of a first BSCoop report for those who have not worked with the methodology that the regional office implements in its “Cooperative Social Balance Certifications.”
All member organizations of the International Cooperative Alliance of the Americas that have not previously completed certification processes with the regional office and that complete the registration process and payment of the expected value will have access to two places to collaboratively build BSCoop in Spanish for 8 weeks.
The methodology involves participation in synchronous and asynchronous sessions, along with the submission of reports through the Virtual Campus of Cooperatives of the Americas. Once the process is complete, the reports submitted by the organizations will be validated. Therefore, at the end, the certificate of participation will be obtained and those who pass will receive the certificate of validation of the report. This co-construction process has a symbolic value of 500 dollars per organization (for one or a maximum of two participants per organization). Registration must be done through the following link, before January 31, 2025. Limited capacity.
This special service represents an excellent opportunity to promote cooperative growth, innovate in processes and strengthen relationships with other cooperatives, sharing good practices that contribute to building a better world.
Check out the course syllabus!
For more details, you can write to the email services@aciamericas.coop.