Cooperative Identity

our principles and values

As defined in the Declaration on the Cooperative Identity, a cooperative is “an autonomous association of persons who have voluntarily united to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise”. ».

Cooperatives are companies that belong to their members, who direct and manage them. Regardless of whether its members are customers, employees or residents, they all have the same vote in relation to the activity of the cooperative company and the equal distribution of benefits.

As value-based businesses and not limited to profit, cooperatives share internationally agreed principles and act together to build a better world through cooperation.

The International Cooperative Alliance is an independent, non-governmental organization established in 1895 to unite, represent and work in the service of cooperatives around the world. The ICA offers a global voice and a forum for knowledge, experience and coordinated action for cooperatives.

In 1995, the ICA adopted the Statement on the Cooperative Identity, which includes the definition of a cooperative, the values ​​of cooperatives and the seven cooperative principles described below.

You can also consult the Guidance Notes for Cooperative Principles which provide detailed guidance and advice on the practical application of the Principles for Cooperative Enterprise.



Cooperatives are based on the values ​​of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. Like their founders, cooperative members believe in the ethical values ​​of honesty, responsiveness, social responsibility, and respect for others.


Cooperative principles are the guidelines by which cooperatives put their values ​​into practice.


In 2016, the ICA Principles Committee published some Guidance Notes for Cooperative Principles which provide detailed guidance and advice on the practical application of the Principles for Cooperative Enterprise.

These Guidance Notes are intended to record our understanding of the application of the principles in contemporary terms, adapted to the XNUMXst century.

Related information

Conclusions survey on Cooperative Identity

The International Cooperative Alliance presented the main findings of its survey on cooperative identity at a special webinar held on December 14. The event was broadcast in English, Spanish, French and Japanese, with more than 200 people in attendance


Contributions to the Cooperative Identity

NCBA CLUSA and Cooperatives of the Americas took advantage of the XXIII Regional Conference of Cooperatives of the Americas in Comayagua, Honduras to present by its President and CEO, Doug O'Brien, the results of the