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“This educational platform has been produced
with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of this platform is the sole responsibility of the International Cooperative Alliance, and in no way may
considered to reflect the views of the
European Union.

Introductory course to the Cooperative Social Balance

The course is oriented by introducing the participants to the concepts of Cooperative Social Responsibility and the Cooperative Social Balance, to measure compliance with the Cooperative Principles. 


Duration: 6 weeks, 

Expected start: 2nd quarter, 2024.

Internal Auditors Course in Cooperative Social Balance

The course is oriented towards the analysis and conceptualization of Cooperative Social Responsibility and the study and knowledge for the preparation of the Cooperative Social Balance, to measure compliance with the Cooperative Principles. 


Duration: 16 weeks, 

Expected start: 2nd semester, 2024.

Financial and commercial management course for agricultural cooperatives in the digital age

The Financial and Commercial Management Course for Agricultural Cooperatives in the Digital Age, is a sample of cooperation between Cooperatives of the Americas and the FAO, a strategic alliance that seeks to contribute to the development of agricultural cooperatives and the communities in which they carry out their operations. activities within the United Nations 2030 Agenda. 

Date to be confirmed

Course on emerging technologies for the cooperative, social and solidarity economy.

Innovation is a fundamental element for the survival of any company. The arrival of the digital revolution 4.0 with Artificial Intelligence, hyperconnection and other emerging technologies have meant that consumer habits have been digitized, forcing industries to become Smart Factories. 

Date to be confirmed

Design and commercial communication course for cooperative projects.

As part of the processes of improvement and updating of the businessmen and women of the cooperatives, a training focused on communication and commercialization strategies is proposed.

Date to be confirmed