The XXIII Regional Conference of Cooperatives of the Americas concluded
Closing of the XXIII Regional Conference of the President of Cooperatives of the Americas, Dr. Graciela Fernández Quintas.
Opening of the XXIII Regional Conference of the President of Cooperatives of the Americas, Dr. Graciela Fernández Quintas.
Noticias relacionadas
FAO and the UN Economic and Social Council strengthen the link with cooperatives, “key allies” for sustainable development
Paula Narváez Ojeda, president of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc), and Mario Lubetkin, deputy director general and regional representative of the FAO, were
We share tools to incubate ventures and generate cooperative ecosystems
The thematic agenda of our 23rd Regional Conference culminated with a series of testimonies aimed at strengthening the capacities to create, accompany and consolidate new
Intervention Ariel Guarco,
International Cooperative Alliance.
Mario Lubetkin - FAO Deputy Director-General and Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean
Manuel Otero
Director General, IICA
Susanne Westhausen
Sung-hee Lee - President, International Agricultural Cooperative Organization - ICAO
HE Ambassador Paula Narváez Ojeda - President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
José Manuel Salazar Xirinachs -
Executive Secretary
Yolanda Díaz Pérez - Second Vice President of the Government of Spain
Petar Stefanov - President of the World Committee of Consumer Cooperatives - CCW ICA.
Iñigo Albizuri LANDAZABAL, World CICOPA President
Introduction and context
Our America is a wonderful continent, although it continues to be traversed from north to south by those inequalities that we began to know well before learning about them from our studies in schools.
Our territories and the communities that make them up and have always animated them reflect the sad primacy of the most unequal Region in the world.
El Economy and Development Report published in October 2022 by CAF-Development Bank of Latin America, clearly highlights that, despite the enormous wealth of resources and “Although economic and social progress has been achieved in recent decades, the challenge of achieving a better distribution of income, wealth and also educational and employment opportunities to which Latin Americans and the Caribbean have access remains.
Always at the end of 2022, with his Social Panorama, ECLAC could not but confirm the increase in rates and gaps produced during the COVID-19 Pandemic, which since the first year of the outbreak had caused it to reveal a setback of almost three decades; a few months later, with the Conclusions of the Sixth Forum on Sustainable Development confirmed the data from another point of view: it revealed to us that although we have covered half the time to implement the 2030 Agenda, only 24,6% of the SDGs will be achieved with the current trend, while almost half of them (48,4%) the trend is correct but not enough to reach them; unfortunately in 27,0% of the SDGs there is regression.
If, on the one hand, more comforting data is appearing on the reactivation or tools and conditions have been created for an economic and social relaunch, as we can see with the accelerator initiatives proposed by ECLAC itself, the outstanding investment funds of the EU – CELAC Summit and the opportunities generated by the historic UN Resolution on the Social Economy, there is still no glimpse of a new paradigm or development model.
Cultural act and inauguration
08:30 Honduras time
Panel I: Opening
08:45 Honduras time
Panel II, “From the linear chain to the circular economy: transforming food systems cooperatively.”
10:30 Honduras time
Panel III: "Cooperative finance, engine of alliances, inclusion and integration opportunities."
11:45 Honduras time
Panel IV: "Generation of decent work, from the territories as contributions to social development and sustainability."
14:30 Honduras time
Panel V: "Invest in the knowledge of young people and women to overcome gaps and inequalities in the Region."
15:45 Honduras time
Introduction to the day.
08:30 Honduras time
Panel I: "Opportunities from the Social Economy and the EU-CELAR Summit to channel development and reduce inequalities."
08:45 Honduras time
Panel II: «Incidence and public policies for the cooperative impact on the real economy».
10:30 Honduras time
Panel III, "Essential public services for local development: a look at cooperativism."
11:45 Honduras time
Panel IV, "Accelerate economic reactivation and incubate the future: cooperative entrepreneurship 2.0."
14:30 Honduras time
Panel V: Closing «Looks to the future: for an Economy at the service of people and communities. From the Americas to the global.
15:45 Honduras time
First day of the XXIII Regional Conference, November 29, 2023
Opening of the XXIII Regional Conference of Cooperatives of the Americas.
- German Astul Mejía – Representative of Honduras on the Board of Directors of Cooperatives of the Americas
- Carlos Miranda Canales – Mayor of Comayagua, Honduras
- Rodolfo Pastor de Maria y Campos – Secretary of State in the Office of the Presidency of Honduras
- José Carlos Cardona – Minister of Social Development, Government of Honduras
- Yolanda Díaz Pérez – Second Vice President of the Government of Spain (video)
- José Manuel Salazar Xirinachs – Executive Secretary ECLAC (video)
- Ariel Guarco – President International Cooperative Alliance
- Graciela Fernández Quintas – President of Cooperatives of the Americas
From the linear chain to the circular economy: cooperativizing food systems.
- Héctor Jacquet – President of the Consumer Cooperative Network
- Petar Stefanov – President of the World Committee of Consumer Cooperatives – CCW ICA (video)
- Sung-hee Lee – President, International Agricultural Cooperative Organization – ICAO (video)
- Laura Suazo – Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Honduras
- Martha Carvajalino – Vice Minister of Rural Development Colombia
- Eng. Erlyin Menjivar – Executive President, National Agricultural Development Bank (BANADESA) of Honduras
- Annabell Guzmán Rodríguez – NCBA CLUSA Representative in Honduras, USAID Project
- Ivan Franco – President of the Association of Argentine Cooperatives – ACA
- Neivor Cantor – President, Aurora Brazil Cooperative
- Simona Cavazzutti – President of REDACOOP
Cooperative finance is the engine of alliances, inclusion and integration opportunities.
- Rodrigo Silva – President of the COFIA
- Nicolas Grau - Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism, Government of Chile
- Franco De Los Santos – President of IDECOOP Dominican Republic
- José Francisco Ramírez Ávila – Alianza México Cooperative
- Bhima Subrahmanyam – ICBA ACI World President
- Carla Decker – Second Vice President of Cooperatives of the Americas
Generation of decent work, from the territories contributions to social development and sustainability.
- Christian Horton – President CICOPA America
- Iñigo Albizuri – , World CICOPA President (video)
- Daniella Preisler – President CICOPA North America
- Heriberto Martínez Otero – President of the Puerto Rico Cooperative League Board of Directors
- Miguel Jurado – President FAECTA /COCETA Spain
- Felipe Armijo – EU Delegation Costa Rica
- Carlos Acero – Executive Committee Member
Invest in the knowledge of young people and women to overcome regional gaps and inequalities.
- Marcelo Portillo – President of the CRJ
- Xiomara Núñez de Céspedes – President ACI World Gender Equality Committee
- Ana Aguirre – President of the ACI Young Cooperatives World Network
- Bruna Santos – President of Percilia e Lúcio Brazil Renewable Energy Cooperative
- Naffie Pérez – Coordinator of the Action Against Hunger Organization
- Myriam Baez – President of the CREG
Second day of the XXIII Regional Conference, November 30, 2023
Social Economy and EU-CELAC Summit: channeling development and reducing inequalities
- Danilo Salerno – Regional Director of Cooperatives of the Americas
- Susanne Westhausen – President, Cooperatives of Europe (video)
- Juan Antonio Pedreño – President Social Economy Europe
- Juan Manuel Martínez Louvier – General Director, INAES – National Institute of Social Economy of Mexico
- Alfredo Gadea – Deputy Director of Cooperation of the European Union in Honduras
- José Francisco Tomás – AECID General Coordinator in Honduras
- José Alves De Souza Neto – First Vice President of Cooperatives of the Americas
Advocacy and public policies for the cooperative impact on the real economy
- Martín Fernández Aizcorbe – President INACOOP Uruguay and Coordinator of the Network of Promotion Organizations
- Tania Zanella – OCB Brazil System Superintendent
- Geovânia de Sá – Federal Deputy, Legislative Branch – Federal Government of Brazil
- Dr. Cynthia Giagnocavo – PhD University of Almería Spain and President of the ACI Research Committee
- Juan Moreno – Parlatino Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Commission and Ignacio Moncayo – FAO
- Jimi Richardson – Head of Programs – World Food Program
- Ricardo López – Secretary Cooperatives of the Americas
Essential public services for local development: a look at cooperativism
- Alicia Maneiro – President of the Cooperative Housing Network of the Americas
- Blase Lambert – President World Housing Committee International Cooperative Alliance
- Marcos Cunha – Unimed do Brasil
- Angel Echarren – President of the Public Service Cooperatives Network of the Americas
- Ariel Bango – President of the American Sanatorium Cooperative Uruguay
- Miguel Castedo – Executive Committee Member
Accelerate economic reactivation and incubate the future: cooperative entrepreneurship 2.0
- José Ariza – Director of the Andalusian School of Social Economy Spain
Gricel Di Bert – The Second General Insurance Cooperative, Argentina
- José Julián Ramírez – Executive President FIDECOOP Puerto Rico
- Juan Carlos Canessa – Incubacoop CUDECOOP-INACOOP Uruguay
- Natalia León Pardo – Executive Director, COOPEUCH Foundation Chile
- Ricardo Rodríguez Campollo – VISA
- Fernando Faith – Executive Committee Member
Looking to the future: an Economy at the service of people and communities. From the Americas to the global.
- Manuel Otero – Director General, IICA (video)
- Doug O'Brien – President and CEO NCBA CLUSA
- HE Ambassador Paula Narváez Ojeda – President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
- Mario Lubetkin – FAO Deputy Director-General and Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Ariel Guarco – President International Cooperative Alliance,
- Graciela Fernández Quintas – President of Cooperatives of the Americas
Cooperatives of the Americas (formerly ICA – Americas) is the regional representation of the International Cooperative Alliance for the American continent.
The Regional Office for the Americas was established in 1990 in San José, Costa Rica. Its primary objective is "to promote the repositioning of the cooperative model in the new economic, political, social and commercial environment, supporting the member organizations of the Alliance in the Americas in the dissemination and defense of the cooperative identity, the promotion of business and the human resource development”.